A comic version of myself

Full-stack Dev, Designer & Nerd

I build web stuff, read blog posts and fantasy books and play a lot of video games.

Servus, I'm Mike. Nice to meet you!

Since starting to screw around with computers when I was nine, I got my Bachelor's degree in Mobile Computing and shifted my interests into the web and design world in 2018. I work at an Austrian agency that develops websites and custom solutions like web apps and cross-platform mobile apps. Designing applications, websites and logos is kind of a passion that I only pursue in my free time to blow of some steam through my creativity vent.

Full-Stack Developer icon

Full-Stack Developer

I love to learn and explore. I love to create and the process coming with it. Web development along with its tools, frameworks and community never fails to scratch those itches.

What I mostly use:

  • HTML / Twig
  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript
  • good ol' CSS / Sass
  • PHP (WordPress)

My tools of choice:

  • VS Code
  • JetBrains PHPStorm
  • fish/PowerShell w/Starship
  • Angular
  • Next.js / Stencil.js
  • Svelte
Designer icon


Being able to visualize vague ideas is a key skill that I develop by letting out my creativity. Designing not only helps me to understand customer’s perspectives, it helps me appreciate the work before for, if and else.

What I design:

  • Websites
  • Web Apps
  • Mobile Apps
  • Logos

My tools of choice:

  • Adobe XD
  • Affinity Photo
  • Affinity Designer
  • Pen & Paper
Gamer, Musician, Blogger? icon

Gamer, Musician, Blogger?

Everybody needs some time off, I mostly love to immersive myself in different worlds, create music and maybe will try myself at writing a blog? Everybody’s doing that now, right?

What else I do:

  • Gaming on PC / PS4 / Switch
  • Playing the guitar
  • Listening to Metal
  • Watching countless hours of DnD
  • Trying to stick to a daily routine

My tools of choice:

  • World of Warcraft
  • Legend of Zelda
  • Blind Guardian
  • Critical Role
  • Headspace
  • Daily Diary